Saturday, March 15, 2008

Treadmill Trouble

Well, I ran my 11 miles on Thursday. I was just cooling down when my treadmill shut completely down. It turns off after 100 minutes. I'm glad I was done and know about this now. I will have to plan accordingly for my longer runs. Today I ran a 5K. I wanted to run it in 25 minutes and I made it in 24:52. That was close. I'm not used to running outside in cold temps so my lungs are feeling it right now. Also, there was a nice hill at the beginning of the race. I sure need to run a few more of those. Overall it was a great week for running.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I hit a milestone today! I ran 10 miles! I'm very proud of myself. I did, however, have to stop at 7.8 miles for an emergency bathroom break. I sure hope I don't have to take bathroom break during the race. It was hard to start again, but after about a half a mile I felt amazing and could go even stronger. I guess the break wasn't all that bad.