Monday, June 2, 2008

Lonest run EVER!

So I ran my longest run ever on Sat. It was an 11 miler! I thought it would take me around 2 hours to complete, but I was 10 min. shorter than that! WOO HOO!!! I don't know how some people do runs that long on a treadmill. It was hard enough for me outside. Jer helped me find a good loop to run and the route was really pretty. I actually felt a lot better afterwards than I thought I would. Hopefully I'll feel the same way after my scheduled run next Sat.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Treadmill Trouble

Well, I ran my 11 miles on Thursday. I was just cooling down when my treadmill shut completely down. It turns off after 100 minutes. I'm glad I was done and know about this now. I will have to plan accordingly for my longer runs. Today I ran a 5K. I wanted to run it in 25 minutes and I made it in 24:52. That was close. I'm not used to running outside in cold temps so my lungs are feeling it right now. Also, there was a nice hill at the beginning of the race. I sure need to run a few more of those. Overall it was a great week for running.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I hit a milestone today! I ran 10 miles! I'm very proud of myself. I did, however, have to stop at 7.8 miles for an emergency bathroom break. I sure hope I don't have to take bathroom break during the race. It was hard to start again, but after about a half a mile I felt amazing and could go even stronger. I guess the break wasn't all that bad.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So This Is Why We Do It

As I was running last week, I couldn't help but think, "why am I running again? It hurts, I am not having any fun, and I think I just heard something pop!!!" But I continued on anyway. Then when my toe spontaneously turned black I had to give it a rest and I kinda missed it. Then today as I was running, things just clicked. I was running a good pace, my breathing was good, legs felt strong, I really felt like a runner. So I remembered why we do this crazy thing called running. I just have to remember this after those tough days!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tired Arms

So last week I ran 7.5 miles for my long run. After I was done I felt pretty good. My legs weren't tired, my heart and lungs felt great, but my arms were tired. What!!! I try to shake them out every once in awhile, but I guess I need to do a better job with that. Perhaps I should lift weights! My arms are wimpy. Is this just me? I wonder how my arms will do tomorrow on my next long run.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Longer, Slower Run

So I decided to follow expert advise and run my long run much slower than normal. Guess what, it was still hard. Hopefully it will help me build my endurance though. I'm going to need it! :)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting There

So I feel like I'm finally getting the miles that I need to feel like I'm doing anything. I actually ran 2 days in a row, which for me is super weird. I hopefully will get my run in tomorrow, but right now all I can think about is how good a sleep in would feel! It's hard to get my lazy out of bed early every morning but so far I've done it for 2 weeks in a row. Go Me!!