Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting There

So I feel like I'm finally getting the miles that I need to feel like I'm doing anything. I actually ran 2 days in a row, which for me is super weird. I hopefully will get my run in tomorrow, but right now all I can think about is how good a sleep in would feel! It's hard to get my lazy out of bed early every morning but so far I've done it for 2 weeks in a row. Go Me!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Steady-state... come on steady legs

Tonight I ran a steady-state run as a stamina workout prescribed by McMillan's six step training program. I've been developing a pretty good base (at least I think it is good) so I decided to throw in a different type of workout.

The run went very well. McMillan suggests in the beginning you only do the steady-state portion for 25 minutes to get used to running this way; however, thinking I was tougher than I am, I ran for 40 minutes. It was a great idea at the time but now my legs are feeling quite fatigued.

The good news is that now I get to enjoy a nice recovery run tomorrow without feeling like a slacker!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Distance PR of sorts

Today's long run signified both the last individual run and the most weekly miles I've had since breaking my foot last July. It was a 10 mile run giving me 33.5 miles for the week.

The run went well, I ran the first 9ish miles at a nice LSD type pace. I look forward to the excuse each week to run slow, but while doing I keep thinking that if I ran faster I would be done! :) Anyway, the last part of the run I gave into the temptation to pick it up and ran at a 7:30 pace.

Katie said her run felt so good she wanted to keep going. Mine only felt great when I was done!

As a side note, I agree with Vitamin.

Great run

I had a great run this morning. I ran 5 miles at a 8:35 pace. This is amazing for me. I felt so good and wanted to keep going. I only do yoga on Fridays before my longer runs on Saturday. I think this has something to do with it. I feel refreshed and ready to go!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Three Words

Body Glide ROCKS!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

An evening of workouts

This evening was a busy one for me. I didn't get up nearly as early as I had hoped, so instead of running earlier in the day, I ran after work. I had a great run of 7.5 miles, things felt good and I felt as if I could go further.

After my run I went to Midway UT (we run right past there near the end of our race) and ice skated on the outdoor rink. It was approximately 0 degrees F (I abbreviate that word as I have no idea how to spell it).

It was a good evening although I'm a bit fatigued--but I'm not sore.

Not to Shabby

So I decided that I need to see if I can run as fast as I need to without the treadmill keeping my pace. I went to the track and decided to run 3 miles. I started out pretty slow and then kept building and building. Of course I was going faster than I normally do because there were people there!! Anyway, I made it a lot quicker than I thought. I was actually just a tad over 10 min. per mile. Now I know some of you will think that is awfully slow, but for me it's quite fast. Especially since I've only been running for a few months. Go MIN!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So, I was just wondering. How many miles should you put on a pair of running shoes before you should buy some more? I was thinking that with all of the training coming up, I might need some new shoes. I enjoy my New Balance, but wonder if anyone else has had some amazing shoes that I should try.
On a different note. I have days were I dread running. I dread getting my body moving. I always force myself to run and then I really feel good. Am I alone out there with this problem? What is the best solution?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's the deal?!?!

I have discovered an interesting phenomenon while walking to work over the last week. The only time a car passes me is when there is one going the other direction as well so that they both pass me at the same time. I can't explain it, I don't see very many cars on my walk to work. It is a rather unnerving experience on narrow snow covered roads. To test the frequency of this, yesterday I counted three times that cars passed me, twice out of these three times it was a double pass (one of them was a snow plow--yikes).

I've noticed the same thing while running. Is this just some crazy extrapolation of Murphy's Law or what?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Some days you have it...

...and some days you don't. Today I didn't. I finished off a week of running everyday with a run of 8 miles. The day had been quite hectic and it was a tough run for me. I desperately wanted to be done after 4 miles, but gutted through it and now I'm glad.

Training is in full swing for the WBR, I'm planning only 2 non-Sunday rest days between now and June 21 and on those days I plan to be hiking the Grand Canyon.

Hopefully, we are going to get a few more bloggers from our team posting here as we are beginning to sort out who will be running and who won't be.

I'm here

So it has been a while since I've posted.  Around Thanksgiving time I was having problems with my ITBS again, very frustrating.  I got a band for my knee and it has made all the difference.  I've decided to train a little different now.  I'm going to go harder and longer, but I plan on taking days off to allow for recovery.  I'll be doing some cross training in between, and so far it has been working out pretty well, I've improved more than I ever have before.