Thursday, November 15, 2007

11/15/07 Running Report (E.R)

Yesterday's workouts went as planned, I lifted during lunch and ran 4 miles right when I got home. It was an easy paced 4 miles that went well.

Today I ran a 4 mile tempo run which really has me feeling fatigued which I suppose is good.

I'm trying to decide whether or not I should run this Saturday. I had planned to run 4 miles doing my long run on Friday instead of Saturday as I'm having family up to visit. Well anyway now I'm thinking of just taking the day right on off.

Next workout: 11/16/07 running 6 miles

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11/13/07 Running on empty (E.R)

In one of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld, Kramer is taking a test drive of a car he has no interest in buying. He keeps driving it further and further with the salesman in the passenger seat. The salesman notices that they are quickly running out of fuel and suggests repeatedly that they stop and get gas. Kramer refuses each request saying that part of the fun and excitement of the ride is wondering if they are going to make it or not. This was me today.

For one reason or another, I had a very busy day and didn't eat or drink very much, then tonight I did a 4 mile interval run. By the time I was finished with my run, my head was swaying and I wasn't sure I was going to make it back into my house. I eventually did after sitting on the front porch for about 10 minutes getting my balance.

When the car eventually ran out of gas on the freeway, Kramer decided he was done with the test drive, got out and hailed a cab leaving the salesman alone with the problem. I was the salesman sitting on the porch.

Here Goes(VM)

So I decided to finally contribute!! I have been unable to come up with a time that I can run regularly, so I'm very spotty. I guess I just need to suck it up and actually wake up early in the morning. I have been walking off and on. Yesterday (11-12) I walked for 2 miles. Hopefully I'll be able to walk a bit today as well.

Monday, November 12, 2007

11/12/07 Running and thinking (E.R)

Sometimes when I'm running I'll plan a distance to run, register the turn around point in my head and completely run past it. Such a thing happened today I ran right past my 3 mile turn around point. I didn't realize my mistake until I was almost to my 4 mile turn around, so I continued to the 4 mile turn around.

This experience is actually quite nice as it means two things:

  1. I'm feeling quite comfortable with my conditioning (I don't have to wonder if I'm going to pass out).

  2. I'm able to concentrate on a subject at hand (or mind) and give it my full attention.

As for giving a subject my full attention, I find that I am most creative while running which is nice. Too bad I can't channel into that all the time.

Anyway, it was a nice run, the temperature is starting to cool down--36F with a slight southern breeze.

Next workout: 11/13/07 arms weight routine and 4 mile run.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New shoes for E.R...

Last night I bought a new pair of New Balance shoes. I've never ran in New Balances, but I found them for a pretty good price ($49) at Park City's Tanger Outlet Factory Brand Shoes. (The color I got was white/lime, I could only find the red/black picture.)

I did walk in them for 4 miles last night to try to break them in a bit. Everything felt fine during my walk so I do not anticipate any issues.

11/10/07 Binary Day Workouts (E.R)

Happy partial binary day. Obviously, it isn't a complete binary day as the year is 07, but I celebrate what I can.

Yesterday I ran 3 miles at an easy pace but a hard effort as there was a pretty good storm front moving in which was ushered by some unfriendly winds. Last night I walked 4 miles while watching the Jazz play the Sonics.

This morning I ran 5 miles intending to go 6, but my legs were a bit tired form the weeks activities so I dropped a mile. It still was a good run.

Next workout: 11/12/07 run 3 miles

Thursday, November 8, 2007

11/08/07 Running Workout (E.R)

I took advantage of an absolutely beautiful day today and went running during my lunch break. I ran 4 miles on a very hilly road. Although I wasn't pushing it, I felt it was quite a good workout due to the amount of up and down.

Next workout: 11/08/07 run 3 miles

11/07/07 Running Workout (E.R)

This week the Utah Jazz (my favorite NBA team) have 2 8:30 games being broadcast. I've decided to schedule my runs during that time for those days and not sit on my butt through the games, but run on my treadmill. Well, last night was one of those games. I had a nice 3 mile run and a 1 mile warm up/cool down walk as well. I did notice one bad thing, I tend to move around a lot while watching games and actually fell off of the treadmill at one point. We'll see if that happens again on Friday.

Next Workout: 11/08/07 3 mile run

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

11/06/07 Workouts (E.R)

Today was quite a test of my determination to workout. I've been battling a head cold the last couple days with a crazy bad sinus headache plaguing me all day.

My first workout was during my lunch hour. I went up to our Rec Center determined to lift weights. I ended up lifting only for about 30 minutes spending the rest of the time walking around the track. My head didn't seem to hurt as bad when I was just walking, so I made use of the time and walked for 1.25 miles.

My second workout was this evening, I did a 3/4 mile warm up/cool down sandwiched around a 3 mile run in 24:45. My head didn't hurt very badly after the easy warm up, so I was very pleased with the results.

Next workout: 11/07/07 3 mile run

Monday, November 5, 2007

11/05/07 Running (Back from CA) (E.R)

Well, I'm back from California, but missed my first run back which was scheduled for last Saturday. Our plane was significantly delayed and I did not have the energy to run that late at night.

We had a wonderful time in CA. We toured Southern CA quite extensively noting the significant fire damage the area has suffered.

Today I ran a slow 3 miles after having over a week off from running. I felt winded quite early on, but my legs felt just fine. I'm not sure how much of the winded feeling was the time off and how much is the cold I'm currently battling.

Next workout: 11/06/07 arm weight routine and 3 mile run

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Going to California...

Well, my training will be on hold this week as I'm heading to Southern California with my family. I've had some good runs over the last couple days that weren't logged due to our hectic travel schedule.

The highlight run was a nice 3 mile run in 22:07 which is pretty good for me. I was particularly happy with the run as although I knew where to stop for 3 miles, I didn't know any of the 1 splits to help me adjust my pace; it was all by perceived effort that I paced myself. I was shooting for a 7:20-7:30 pace which I hit just right at 7:22.

Next run: 11/03/07 7 mile slow run

Friday, October 26, 2007

Off the Treadmill! 10/26/07

Today I decided to go to the local high school and run on the track for a change. I was worried about it but it was really nice to be outside running. I am running for 5 minutes and walking for 2.5 minutes. I continue that pattern four times.

I was able to run 9 laps in 30 minutes. Nothing to brag about but I was outside for the first time and my knee held up better than I had hoped. Towards the end of my run there was a little pain, but I think as I take it slowly it will get better.

This past week I used the elliptical and the bike one night and my legs are definitely telling me I used some different muscles.

Well I'm going on vacation for 4 days so that always puts training on hold. I think it might be good to get a little break because I've pushed it fairly hard this week and sometimes a few days off seems to be just what I need.

Monday, October 22, 2007

10/19-22/07 Workouts (E.R)

I was out of town Friday through Sunday and wasn't able to post my runs. I ran 3 miles on Friday, 6 miles on Saturday, and 3 miles today.

Friday's run was an average run, nothing exciting. Saturday's run was rather interesting as I ran in the high desert West of Blackfoot Idaho. Ironically for a desert, it was raining quite badly.

Today's run was up at our Rec Center. I ran 1.5 miles at a 8:00/mile pace on the treadmill, then ran a mile on the track at 7:15/mile. I also threw in a 1/4 mile warm up and a 1/4 mile cool down. It was nice.

As a side note, last week I ran 6 times taking only Sunday off. I plan on doing the same this week although it will be a bit more difficult as I have a funeral Thursday in Blackfoot.

Next workouts: 10/23 weights at noon, running that night.

Friday, October 19, 2007

10/18/07 Workout (E.R)

Today was a rest day of sorts for me, I only pulled off one workout, a nice easy 3 mile run around the track at our local rec center. The track is 1/12 of a mile long, so 3 miles seems an eternity as you pass all landmarks 36 times.

On a side note, the most laps I've every managed on that track was 96. I almost went crazy.

Next workout: 10/19/07 running 3 miles

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

10/17/07 Workouts (E.R)

Today I did my chest weight routine at lunch. Everything felt really well. I think that may be favorite weight lifting routine. I focus on different chest exercises such as bench press and flies and do them all on flat, inclined, and declined benches. In between each set, I rotate through different arm and core exercises. I really feel like I get quite a bit out of that workout.

This evening after the kids went to bed, I did a three mile easy run. My legs felt a bit heavy and fatigued from last night's interval workout, but I pushed through with a 8:30/mile pace.

Next workout: 10/18/07 3 mile untimed hill run.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wasatch Back Relay on

My favorite running website has an article on the Wasatch Back Relay. is the site that I use to log my runs. I currently have running entries dating back to February 2003 on that site. They have tremendous on demand reports you can create to track and monitor your workouts of any kind.

10/16/07 Workouts (E.R)

Today was a good exercise day. I did my arm weight routine at lunch, then ran 3 miles this evening. My three mile run was an interval run. Each speed interval was 400 meters at a 6:27 minute per mile pace with a nice easy recovery run in between.

Next workouts: 10/17/07 chest weights routine and 3 mile easy run.

Monday, October 15, 2007

10/15/07 Running Workout

I just finished up a nice 3 mile run during my lunch break. Once again, I felt I could go further and faster. It is becoming a struggle to stick with my plan, but a struggle I must overcome. Although I didn't time myself today, I felt as if I was running fairly fast with very little effort. My form felt good, and I felt pretty carefree.

Next workout: Weights 10/16

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Beginning - DeeTar

Training for the Relay is a starting over of sorts for me. I've had knee pain and a tonsillectomy that required me to take a long time off. So I'm starting over and I want to start over right. I'm reading a book on running to make sure I don't cut any corners.

About four weeks ago I started out thinking I could jog/walk, but again it brought knee pain. So I decided just to walk for 2 weeks for about 30 minutes/day. Last week I changed to walk 4 minutes, jog 2. I repeated that 5 times. To my excitement there was no knee pain. Wednesday I increased to walk 3, jog 3. Again no knee pain. I'm really excited about this, it is hard not to push it right now, but I know I just have to keep going slowly. I'll keep at this pace until next Wednesday.

My speed is horrible, I'm jogging at 4.5 on the treadmill, trying to be cautious. I'm excited to blog here and hopefully see my improvement in time for the relay.

10/13/07 Running Workout

I just finished my Long Slow Distance run of 5 miles. I know 5 miles hardly qualifies as long, but I'm building the base slowly as I have the time. I feel like I could have easily pulled off another couple miles, but it would jeopardize my future runs if I were to push it.

This week I finished the week running 17 miles. I feel really good. In past times when I've been building my mileage I usually suffered from ITBS and hip flexors. Currently, I'm not experiencing symptoms of either of those two injuries which is absolutely wonderful. I attribute my good fortune to increasing both distance and intensity in moderation regardless of how I feel at the moment. Previous times when I felt good I thought I should push until I felt poorly, which didn't work out so well. :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

10/11/07 Weight Workout & 10/12/07 Running Workout

Yesterday was an incredibly hectic day leaving me no time to report on my weight workout so I am combining it into one post.

I had a nice weight workout. I did chest and core exercises. I felt good throughout the majority of the workout, but my right shoulder hurt a bit at the end. (I've suffered a few problems with that shoulder for about a year now.) Today my shoulder is feeling good joint wise, but all of my muscles are starting to get sore which is good.

I ran an easy 3 miles today without caring one bit about my speed. It was very relaxing. I did hit a few hills along the course, but other than that I didn't really push anything.

Next workout: 10/13/07 Running 5 miles.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10/10/07 Running Workout

I just finished a nice 3 mile run. I ran a easy 8:13 minutes/mile pace. I was actually surprised by how easy it was which is nice. Typically, I'm surprised by how hard a run is.

I'm taking tomorrow off from running, so my next run will be on Friday.

Next workout: 10/11/07 weights

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/09/07 Running Workout

I just finished my short interval workout. I ran 3 miles and did four 400 meter intervals at 1:38 per 400.

The run felt very good, meaning I didn't feel as though I was going to die. :) I probably could have gone a bit faster, but I'll save that for another day.

Next Workout: 10/10/07 - 3 mile run.

I'm not really running very intense yet as I'm base building, so I don't dare push my speed workouts until I've established my base. (I'm prone to the over-use curse of ITBS.) At the same time, I've got to do something speed wise to shake things up every now and then.

10/09/07 Weight Workout

I did a nice arm workout at the gym over my lunch break. The company I work for has a nice wellness program that provides quite a bit on incentive to participate. While there, I saw a co-worker enjoying the same benefits.

I was particularly impressed with an older looking gentleman of about my same build and size. The only difference (besides age) was that he was lifting about 3 times the weight as I.

Next workout: 400 meter interval running tonight.

Wasatch Back Relay Intro

My family and I have decided to throw our hats into the ring and run the Wasatch Back Relay.

The Wasatch Back Relay is a relay race that covers 178 miles. There are 12 members to each team with each member running 3 legs of the race while maintaining the same running order throughout the race.

As crazy as this may sound, it appears to be a very fun/laid back race. At least it is for people who aren't out to win it. :)